No person (except as otherwise provided) shall be eligible for admission as a Fellow of the Institute unless such person satisfies the Council in the following respects;
a) That he or she has been in practice as a Legal Costs Accountant either on his or her own account or in partnership with one or more persons, or employed with a Member of the Institute, or employed with or is a practicing solicitor within the State and has been engaged in the practice of legal costs accounting for a period of fifteen years;
b) That he or she shall have passed such examination or examinations as may from time to time by By-Laws or otherwise be prescribed by the Council;
c) that he or she satisfies all other requirements as may from time to time be seen fit to be imposed and laid down by the Council and
d) That in addition to all the above requirements he or she shall satisfy the Council as to his or her general character, experience and suitability.
A Fellow shall be entitled to use after his or her name the letters “F.I.L.C.A.”.
No person (except as otherwise provided) shall be eligible for admission as an Associate of the Institute unless such person satisfied the Council in the following respects;
a) That he or she has been in practice as a Legal Costs Accountant, employed with a Member of the Institute, or employed with or is a practicing solicitor within the State and has been engaged in the practice of legal costs accounting for a period of three years;
b) That he or she shall have passed such examination or examinations as may from time to time by By-Laws or otherwise be prescribed by the Council;
c) that he or she satisfies all other requirements as may from time to time be seen fit to be imposed and laid down by the Council and
d) That in addition to all the above requirements he or she shall satisfy the Council as to his or her general character, experience and suitability.
An Associate shall be entitled to use after his or her name the letters “A.I.L.C.A”.
The Council shall not admit any person as an Associate unless he or she shall have attained, follow a course of at least two years duration a recognised third level diploma and/or a recognised third level degree.
No person (except as otherwise provided) shall be eligible for admission as a Student Member of the Institute unless such person satisfies the Council in the following respects;
a) That he or she is not less than eighteen years of age.
b) That the Council is satisfied that he or she is of good general education.
c) That he or she intends to pursue and study for the profession of Legal Costs Accountant and is currently employed with a Member of the Institute at Fellow or Associate status (not on hiatus), or is employed with or is a practicing solicitor within the State and is engaged in the practice of legal costs accounting.
d) That he or she will undertake the course of education and examinations as prescribed by the Council.
The information given on the previous page is not an exhaustive criterion for membership and should not be construed as a legal definition of membership.
All applications are dealt with by the Council in compliance with the rules of the Institute.
To make an Application for Membership, please first contact the Administrative Secretary, Rob McCann by emailing